

root cause analysis

Touching the Surface of Root Cause Analysis

When there is an issue or problem in your business, you don’t want it to linger and cause deeper problems. You want to fix it forever.  This is a job for Root Cause Analysis (RCA) — find the cause, fix it and never allow it to happen again. The Process of Root Cause Analysis Establish […]

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Six Sigma, Lean Six Sigma, Consulting, Practitioner, Professional, Certification, Learning Pack

What Should I Find in My Six Sigma Learning Pack?

So, you’re looking to gain a Six Sigma certification? Great! Yet, where do you start? For every Six Sigma professional, the journey begins by finding a certification, training, or certificate course. Previously, we have outlined the main differences between each type of program. Though, in summary, a training course introduces you to the concept of […]

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Change: How to Stop New Processes from Failing

Imagine; it’s the end of the year, and your project team is about to unveil the numerous improvements made over the past four quarters. Excitement is in the air, executives are closely watching; this is the movement you have been waiting for. However, what happens next is not always what you expect or predict to […]

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Kaizen Approach for Business Success

In business, nothing is perfect. That is why adopting the principle of Kaizen is a smart idea. Japanese for “change for the better,” Kaizen is known as an approach of continuous small improvements over time. Kaizen isn’t an actual tool, but a mindset. When using this philosophy, you can apply the various Six Sigma tools […]

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Six Sigma, Lean Six Sigma, Consulting, Practitioner, Professional, Certification, Politics, Change

Change Management: Office Politics

For most cases, change is a good thing. Change can represent growth, maturity, and innovation. It can show the progress individuals, organizations, and leaders are making. Likewise, change can promote others to strive towards aspirations. However, sometimes changes are not as easily noticeable or accepted by others. For example, an office management restructures may result […]

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How to Correct Six Sigma Issues

Sometimes, the projects you manage don’t seem to work out the way you plan for them to. They may not fail regularly, but when they do, it can lead to numerous other issues. How, when, and why Six Sigma projects fail depends on any number of variables. Because each project is unique and every project […]

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six sigma certification levels

Six Sigma Certification Levels Explained

There’s no doubt that gaining a Six Sigma certification is one of the best moves anyone can make for their career. Whether you work in logistic, financing, or manufacturing, everyone can benefit from the experiences and knowledge Six Sigma offers. However, knowing when and where to start can be tricky, especially for professionals looking to […]

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Six Sigma

How to Calculate Your Baseline Sigma

If you work in a manufacturing, processing, or logistic industry, chances are Six Sigma is a common conversation topic. Since its creation in the late 1980s, employers have used the methodology to improve their business process extensively. By definition, a Sigma is a statistical term that measures the number of defects per million opportunities. Whether […]

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Kano Model: A Method for Greater Customer-Centricity

Historically, companies that are customer-centered are far more profitable than those with other centers of attention. This trend of customer-focus has lead corporations to flourish and prosper in otherwise stagnant markets. Yet, how do you begin making your operations more customer-centric? For Six Sigma practicing professionals, the Kano Model is the best answer! In this […]

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Define What is Important and Pay Homage This Spring

Those of you who are familiar with Six Sigma know that you never want to start a project without an objective. Normally found in the Define portion of the DMAIC process, your objective clearly states what your goal is, or the reason you are doing the project. This bring us to the current time of […]

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Six Sigma, Lean Six Sigma, Consulting, Practitioner, Professional, Project, Infrastructure Implementation

The Five Kinds of Six Sigma Projects: Infrastructure Implementation

The Six Sigma methodology gains its success by decreasing variability and the chance of production errors throughout a process. However, most business processes require modifications and changes to these rewards. Where a simplified production line may be efficiently running at its current rate, an increase in volume might jeopardize this. Yet, you can avoid this […]

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Six Sigma, Lean Six Sigma, Consulting, Practitioner, Professional, Project, Process Redesign

The Five Kinds of Six Sigma Projects: Process Redesign

At its core, the Six Sigma methodology focuses on improving business processes and reducing production errors. However, more often than not, it’s not that simple. How a company restructures a business process, decides who manages it, and how to deploy it determines its overall success. For many Six Sigma professionals, the first line of action […]

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Six Sigma, Lean Six Sigma, Consulting, Practitioner, Professional, Project, Process Design

The Five Kinds of Six Sigma Projects: Process Design

Among the thousands of certified Six Sigma professionals currently practicing in industry, many have experience within multiple projects. These projects, as a result, determine how well-versed, experienced, and competent a professional is. How they choose to manage a Six Sigma project, how they meet deadlines, and how they review processes can greatly impact their chances […]

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Six Sigma, Lean Six Sigma, Consulting, Practitioner, Professional, Project, Process Improvement

The Five Kinds of Six Sigma Projects: Process Improvement

For most Six Sigma professionals, the type of projects they work on determines how far they will advance in a single career. Similar to how Six Sigma ranks certifications into Belts, projects also follow an order. In our previous article, we introduced the first project type, Quick Wins. While these type of projects easily resolve […]

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Six Sigma, Lean Six Sigma, Consulting, Practitioner, Professional, Project, Quick Win

The Five Kinds of Six Sigma Projects: Quick Win

The key to success in mastering your understanding of Six Sigma is by completing projects. For most, specific projects will be a part of certification course work. Additionally, employers may view employees’ work habits before promoting them to higher Six Sigma professional roles by completing such projects. However, not every Six Sigma project is alike. […]

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Six Sigma, Lean Six Sigma, Consulting, Practitioner, Professional, Master Black Belt, SSMBB

10 Things Every Master Black Belt Should Know

As the end goal for most Six Sigma professionals, Master Black Belt is an aspiration within itself. With years of experience, hours of training, and multiple training experiences, individuals will become Six Sigma Certified Master Black Belts. However, what classifies a Master Black Belt apart from the lower Black Belts can greatly depend on who […]

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Six Sigma, Lean Six Sigma, Consulting, Practitioner, Professional, Yellow Belt, SSYB

10 Things Every Yellow Belt Should Know

It’s without a doubt that one of the most invaluable courses you can take is Six Sigma certification. For many, this business process improvement methodology opens new doors within their careers and expands their understanding of the industry. Likewise, Six Sigma certification offers opportunities to manage unique projects and perform dynamic data analysis. However, not […]

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six sigma training blog

Six Sigma: 5 Whys, Motivation, and What Makes a Great Teacher

Today, we thought we would take a look back at some of our popular Six Sigma posts on 6sigma.us and see what topics instilled inspiration and thought among our readers. Here are just a few of those posts from our archives. Infographic: DMAIC vs. DMADV – What Are The Differences? Check out this colorful infographic outlining […]

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10 Things Every Black Belt Should Know

Unlike the lower Yellow and Green Belts, Black Belts represent the first level of full-time Six Sigma project management. These certified professionals achieve set goals, lead team members, and perform cross-functional management. Additionally, Six Sigma Black Belts report directly to executive and senior level management. More importantly, a Black Belt will also report to a […]

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