

Image: Six Sigma in HR

Six Sigma in HR: Transforming Processes for Operational Excellence

Six Sigma in HR circles progress through refinement, leveraging evidence and statistics to expose flaws, refine coordination and strengthen service excellence overall. Six Sigma historically rooted in manufacturing and engineering, yet its principles and methods stretch broadly – including human coordination stewardship. Key Highlights What defines Six Sigma Progress? Six Sigma describes an understanding-led, principled […]

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employee turnover

How Six Sigma Can Fix High Employee Turnover

One of the biggest problems that many companies face is a high employee turnover. From the company’s viewpoint, they feel that money as well as time has been put into an employee to train and educate, only to disappoint when they turn around and quit. From the employee’s point of view, if things were great, […]

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Human resource

Onboarding the Lean Six Sigma Way

The old saying, “You only have one time to make a first impression” holds true of the onboarding process for a new employee. One of the most important elements of onboarding the Lean Six Sigma way is that of setting the tone. Getting the new employee familiarized with the organization in a seamless, organized way […]

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