

dmaic vs dmadv


Both DMAIC and DMADV Six Sigma methodologies are very popular, but each have a different reason for usage. If you already have a product or service and the day-to-day process that is correlated needs fixing, then DMAIC (Define-Measure-Analyze-Improve-Control) is your choice.  The DMADV methodology (Define-Measure-Analyze-Design-Verify) is used when you are designing an entirely new product […]

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Learning from the Kobe Bryant Tragedy, What does the data tell us?

Kobe Bryant, his daughter, and multiple friends were killed in a helicopter crash. Any fatal accident is a tragedy, but this one was acutely felt by fans of Bryant and by parents who could identify with the heartbreak of losing a child.  When a shocking event happens, because it was unexpected we look for some […]

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analyze six sigma

Breaking Down the Analyze Phase

In order to analyze, you must have the data so that you can find out what isn’t working and how it is affecting the process so that it can be fixed. If accurate data collecting is part of the routine, then chances are fixing a process will be either non-existent or an easier fix. The […]

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7 Wastes of Lean

Infographic: Understanding the 7 Wastes of Lean

Every time you eliminate waste in the day-to-day process to manufacture your product, it increases your profit. It is that simple! The 7 wastes of Lean, listed below, are the main culprits. Transport: Moving products or materials from one location to another adds cost, doesn’t add value, and wastes time. Inventory: Unnecessary inventory of raw […]

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Image: Six Sigma objectives

Important Six Sigma Information That You’ll Always Need

When we speak of Six Sigma objectives, it is important to identify the overall objectives and then name the factors that go into them. So it would go as follows: The Six Sigma Objectives Overall Business Improvement: How can your business improve and get better? Eliminating defects and variables: Any inconsistencies in the product or […]

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six sigma

INFOGRAPHIC: Root Cause Analysis

If you have a recurring problem, the only way to get rid of the problem is by figuring out the root cause of the problem and tackling it at its very core. If the problem is not nipped at its core, it will be a recurring issue that will eventually cut into your profits. Even […]

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Image: Lean IT

Lean IT: Start the New Year With Great Six Sigma Education

Well, we made it to the new year 2020! Why not make it a great year of learning and take a Six Sigma Specialized training class? Our specialized training classes range from Design for Six Sigma programs conducted online or on-site to Minitab training at introductory and advanced levels. These programs are also customizable to […]

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Let’s Reflect on Six Sigma Methodologies

As we welcome the new year, it is time to reflect on what we have come to learn about Six Sigma. We have learned that Six Sigma methodologies work great on personal improvements, such as time management. Having enough time to get things done is akin to having enough money to do the things we […]

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six sigma

Six Sigma: Apply Tools for the New Year

It’s the holiday season, which includes thinking about the pending new year. This is the perfect time to start living more mindfully, meaning spending less money and making your money go further. Here is an easy way to try the magic of Six Sigma for yourself, and start saving money in your business. Get started by […]

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Word on the Street About FMEA

FMEA stands for Failure Modes and Effects Analysis. This great Six Sigma tool or template is a method which will call out possible failures and their impact in a product or process design. This template is used during the concept development or design of a product. Taking the time to use this Six Sigma template […]

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six sigma

Six Sigma: Its Key Elements Are the Secret to Success

Those who believe in Six Sigma know that the genius is in its simplicity. If common sense had a template, it would be known as Six Sigma. That being said, today’s global economy (with the exception of its size) isn’t that much different than your father’s hardware store back in the 1950’s. Good quality is […]

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Kaizen Is a Core Six Sigma Philosophy

Kaizen is all about improving the business as an entire entity. This is done by developing a standardized way of working, which is believed to increase efficiency and eliminate waste. This was used in the Toyota Production System. Lean Six Sigma is focused on the quality of the product, by finding variables that cause errors. […]

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5 whys six sigma

INFOGRAPHIC: The 5 Whys Tool

When issues arise and you need to get to the root of the problem, the Six Sigma 5 Whys tool is very helpful. If the issue is in the manufacturing or the design of the product, keep in mind that the product was made to serve a function without consideration as to other issues that […]

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six sigma mental health

Six Sigma’s Magic and Mental Health

According to the Center for Workplace Mental Health, the annual cost of mental illness is costing the US economy $20 billion a year. Stress is a big factor, and a negative workplace environment contributes to that stress, causing absenteeism and a loss in productivity. Here are some alarming statistics: 64% of employees described their jobs […]

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six sigma branding

Six Sigma and Your Company’s Brand

When a business takes the step to implement continuous quality methodologies such as Six Sigma, this is a great step towards the brand. Paying close attention to the quality of your products using Six Sigma tools and methods immediately shows your commitment to quality, which is an important element in your brand.  Important Six Sigma […]

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root cause analysis

What is Root Cause Analysis (RCA)?

Any time an unwanted event keeps happening over and over again, you need to fix it once and for all. It is very much like an unwanted plant that keeps growing, even after you feel like you pulled it out by its roots. So you need to get down to the nitty-gritty of the cause […]

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lean six sigma

Lean Six Sigma Language: A Quick Review of the Basics

When it comes to Lean Six Sigma, acronyms and tools are a staple. The different acronyms and different tools could get confusing if not reviewed frequently — which brings up a good point of continuous education as a form of review as well as progressing forward. Think of reviewing as visiting an old friend and […]

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Why Lean Six Sigma Is Important in Healthcare

As our baby boomer population gets older, the healthcare system will be inundated with many aging people who aren’t feeling well. Unfortunately, our current system won’t be able to accommodate or help them. Not because our current healthcare system is weak, it just needs to catch up to our needs. Our economy has been less […]

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Human resource

Onboarding the Lean Six Sigma Way

The old saying, “You only have one time to make a first impression” holds true of the onboarding process for a new employee. One of the most important elements of onboarding the Lean Six Sigma way is that of setting the tone. Getting the new employee familiarized with the organization in a seamless, organized way […]

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lean manufacturing

[Infographic] Key Principles of Lean Manufacturing

In Lean Six Sigma, it is all about the customer. They define the quality they expect from your product or service. The day-to-day processes should only consist of what brings value to your product or service, and that is determined by your customer.  Remember, anything that doesn’t bring value to your product or service is […]

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