

Kaleidoscope six sigma

Seeing the Full Kaleidoscope

For more than 40 years, experts in organizational behavior have increasingly advocated the use of an open systems theory for viewing organizations. While most managers are adept at recognizing all the actors inside and outside the structure of their organization, many fail to see the complexity in the interactions among these actors. This is not […]

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Six Sigma – Its Origin and Meaning

Six Sigma – Its Origin and Meaning

Definition of Six Sigma Six Sigma is a methodology used to improve business processes by utilizing statistical analysis rather than guesswork. If you are on this page I assume you have heard about Six Sigma which is basically a methodology used to improve business functionality. The main objective of Six Sigma is to implement a […]

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Six Sigma Accreditation isn't always Consistent

Six Sigma Q&A: Why Isn’t Six Sigma Accreditation Consistent?

You might have heard of Six Sigma. In fact, if you’re reading this then we’re certain you have. But have you heard about the inconsistency between accreditation programs? If not, then you’ve come to the right place. It can sometimes be difficult to know which system is best, and which ones aren’t worth your time. […]

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Rebranded Training Partners

Proxy Providers: How to Spot Rebranded Training Partners

  Are you familiar with proxy providers? You might also be familiar with rebranded Six Sigma training courses. This article explores the ways in which proxy providers work. Plus, how the symbiotic relationship they share with accredited Six Sigma organizations. Join us as we discover the answers to the following questions: What are proxy providers? […]

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Image: Toyota Production System (TPS) - Making of a Post war Automotive Star

The Toyota Production System (TPS) – The Making of a Post war Automotive Star

It is said that the rise and rise of Toyota can be attributed to the philosophy, now termed the TPS (Toyota production system.) Developed in part by Toyota’s vice president Taiichi Ohno and its founder Sakichi Toyoda during the post war decades, Toyota’s phenomenal success has been attributed to its implementation. On the basis of […]

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Image: Ishikawa, aka Fishbone Diagram

What is Ishikawa (Fishbone Diagram)?

A Math teacher once asked his pupils, “What do you think is Ishikawa?” “It is a place in Japan,” was the prompt answer of a ninth-grader. “That is interesting and quite true, but in the context of this Math class, let me help you understand that the Ishikawa I am mentioning here are diagrams that […]

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Lean Six Sigma Consultant for Help

How Does Your Consultant Stack Up?

Even large companies need help. When a company is in dire of change, it seeks help when internal resources are not considered sufficient. They explore the possibility of engaging consultants who can recommend ways to bring about desired changes. The decision to seek outside help is explained by current thinking that a consultant can take […]

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Conflict Avoidance: Get Over It

Conflict Avoidance: How to Get Over It!

Unfortunately, many of us in management positions tend to shy away from change initiatives that would cause conflicts in our organizations. While this tendency is based on the natural instincts of many of us to avoid conflict, these tendencies may be preventing us from enjoying increased productivity and harmony within our organizations. The beauty of […]

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Image: Toyota Production System

Benefits of Toyota Production System (TPS)

Toyota production system (TPS) is like a supercharged Lean Six Sigma program. All the proven and intelligent methodologies of conventional TPS Six Sigma have been charged with immensely motivated team associates. TPS is the outcome of such powerful Lean Six Sigma team associates sigma, which leads to a high-performance culture and lets employees to know […]

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Lean Six Sigma Methodologies Machine Learning

Machine Learning and Six Sigma: Insights and Improvements

The human brain is a powerful thing. Often likened to a computer, it processes 400 billion bits of information per second and is always learning. The human capacity for learning is unlike any other species, but it is not a characteristic applicable only to people. Science fiction stories have explored the concept of artificial intelligence […]

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Six Sigma CEU Credit

Should My Six Sigma Course Contain CEU Credit?

Six Sigma has become a worldwide phenomenon, helping improve business processes in some of the world’s largest companies. But before any Six Sigma professional can get to this stage, they must first receive certification. If you are the provider of a Six Sigma course, consider the following. Should your Six Sigma course contain a CEU […]

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Use Of Affinity Diagram As A Brainstorming Tool

Use Of Affinity Diagram As A Brainstorming Tool

Among the many tools available to Six Sigma project teams, the one that consistently is used successfully by all types of teams is the affinity diagram. Also known as the KJ method or a tree diagram, the affinity diagram is a very effective way to manage the brainstorming process and create a more organized approach […]

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Champion - Key To Six Sigma Team Success

The Champion: Key To Six Sigma Team Success

Among all of the Six Sigma roles and the people who fill them, perhaps none is more critical to the success of a project than the Champion. He or she carries tremendous responsibility at every stage of a Six Sigma project, from selecting and scoping projects to shepherding projects and teams through to completion. Definition […]

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Make The Most Of The Process Map

How To Make The Most Of The Process Map

An integral part of the Six Sigma methodology is defining a process very precisely, including every single detail of each step along the way. The best way to do this is with a process map, one of the most powerful tools available to Six Sigma practitioners. About the process map A process map looks much […]

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5s tool lean six sigma

Lean Six Sigma Tool 5S is Perfect for Spring Cleaning

Let’s face it — every home is notorious for waste. We seem to work twice as hard at keeping things we don’t need. We buy twice as much, because we can’t see what we already have, and we keep doing it over and over, even though we know what is causing the waste. Why don’t […]

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Green Belt Training Six Sigma

What Employers Can Expect from Green Belt Training

The foundation of Six Sigma team work, Green Belts are, in many ways, the core of your project team. As such, they are essential to the smooth-running of projects and completion of process improvement objectives. Six Sigma Green Belts all share a range of key qualities that make them stand out from the rest. These […]

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Avoid Decision Delays with Six Sigma

Six Sigma Project Success: How to Deal with Decision Delays

Decision delays are the bane of a well-run Six Sigma project. Your time is valuable and we understand how frustrating it can become. Delay is also a problem in production, executive, and administrative processes all over the world, but it can be overcome. Not only is delay detrimental to Kaizen but it also violates Lean […]

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Learning Lean Six Sigma

Learning Lean Six Sigma

A system of practices, which are developed to improve processes systematically by eliminating defects, is Lean Six Sigma. Application of Lean Six Sigma principles along with Six Sigma problem solving techniques provides speed and cut costs of the process. Lean Six Sigma can be defined as the elimination of waste in an organization in order […]

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