What does it take to be successful in your Lean Journey?

Lean focuses on process efficiency and reducing or eliminating waste in processes by using various methods to streamline processes and strive for continuous improvement. Another way to think of this is we are creating an agile and efficient process to allow us to meet our customers or marketplace requirements for quality products or services at a price they are willing to pay.
Lean Training Options:
For more in-depth information on our Lean offerings, check out our programs.
6Sigma.us Lean Introduction training provides a comprehensive overview of the principles of Lean Thinking.
6Sigma.us Lean Fundamentals training and certification help develop critical skills required for participating in successful Lean projects. Certified candidates are considering Lean Agents.
6Sigma.us Lean Master training and certification is the Final Lean Level, in which you will learn to apply several continuous improvement techniques and allow you to create a strong culture in your organization that follows the 5 Principles of Lean.
Lean methods have been proven since the beginning of the industrial revolution. Business leaders have been focused on driving performance and response to meet customer expectations while reducing costs. Examples include Henry Ford’s genesis of the automobile industry, and the military’s need to take advantage of “Detroit’s” abilities in World War II where a B24 Liberator was rolling of the assembly line every 56 minutes. Lean methods were quantified and fined tuned during the 1950s and ’60s by Toyota, and other forward-thinking out-of-the-box companies to the current available Lean methods available to businesses. Some of these methods include:
- 5S Programs
- Theory of Constraints
- The 7 Wastes
- Toyota Production Systems, (TPS)
- Demand Flow
- Just in Time
- Value Stream Mapping
- Transactional Mapping
- Re-engineering
What has changed recently, is understanding which of these methods or combinations of methods will have the greatest impact on your business. 6Sigma.us’s Lean education and service programs. Focus on the practical application of concepts on projects, not theory. Our goal is for our customers to improve processes through effective project leadership.
6Sigma.us’ Lean programs are designed to yield benefits quickly by supporting the optimum methodology matched to a company’s business objectives and needs while establishing a sustainable process for ongoing improvement. Our methods are quantitative and bring to light further areas of opportunity where Lean 6 Sigma projects can be taken advantage of.
How do we define the best Lean methods to apply? What are the steps in driving a Lean transformation? How long will it take? What is the level of involvement of team members? Are we getting the results defined in our objectives? How do we continue our progress and integrate Six Sigma into our efforts?
Lean and Lean Six Sigma are methodologies that companies apply to ALL aspects of the business (NOT just manufacturing and supply chain processes). Tangible improvements and benefits are being realized in transactional, IT, financial, healthcare, and many other business environments. The fundamental basis for the success of Lean is the ability to identify and eliminate waste, aggressively reduce non-value-added activities, and improve flow in any organization’s processes.
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