

Image: U-charts

U Chart Guide: Monitoring Defects per Unit for Quality Control

Quality charts prove invaluable aids. Among options, U-charts stand as a treasure controlling non-compliances observed per item when dealing with varying batch sizes. Dubbed the “defects-per-unit control graph“, the U-chart helps quality experts track typical non-compliance amounts discovered per unit or area inspected. Unlike counterparts simply noting complete non-compliance counts, it scales findings by batch […]

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6sigma.us happy holidays

Happy Holidays from the 6Sigma.us Family

As 2018 comes to a close and the holidays are approaching, we reflect on what a great year it has been!  Our offices at 6Sigma.us will be closed December 24-25 so that our 6Sigma family can spend time celebrating the holidays with their families and friends.  All of us at 6Sigma.us want to take this […]

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christmas six sigma

A Christmas Wish From 6Sigma.us

Christmas Time is oh so near Children so excited you can hear them cheer Enthusiasm and excitement fill the air And people show love in how they care. Take the time to enjoy the season And be thankful for the reason. Catherine Pulisfer From All of Us at 6Sigma.us!

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Six Sigma Yellow Belt

Six Sigma Syllabus – Yellow Belt

So you’ve passed your White Belt exam and want to move on to Yellow Belt training. If you want to build your awareness of Six Sigma practice, then Yellow Belt training is a great start. In karate, the yellow belt represents sunlight shining on a seed to give it the strength to grow. Yellow signifies […]

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Six Sigma Case Study: Ford Motors

The Ford Motor Company is one of America’s, and the world’s, largest and most successful automakers. Named after its founder Henry Ford, the company is known for its innovative and dynamic approach to manufacturing. Henry Ford pioneered and employed such manufacturing concepts as standardization, assembly lines, which came to be known as Fordism. He also […]

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six sigma business failure

Becoming Complacent Is Asking for Business Failure

For the businesses that have adapted to the Six Sigma methodology, branding and positioning their company is simple, because those businesses are reinforcing their core mission and what they stand for every single working day. You might say the Six Sigma methodology should be at the core of every business. When a business takes care […]

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customer service six sigma voc tool

Great Customer Service is a Signature Six Sigma Move

Back in the day, it was common practice for company staff to make it their business to know every customer by name — or at the very least, learn something special about them. This would be part of the customer service experience, and make the customer feel like part of the family. This created customer […]

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happy new year, 6sigma.us, blog

Story for a Happy New Year!

Have a Happy and Prosperous New Year On the way back from work every evening, more often than not there would be a homeless man standing at the exit of the freeway… He always waved at every car, he was always happy and smiling and sometimes almost dancing. Every day after work I would remember […]

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Happy Holidays, 6sigma.us

A Holiday Story For You

Papa Panov put on a special pot of coffee for his Christmas breakfast, took down the shutters and looked out of the window. The street was deserted, no one was stirring yet. No one except the road sweeper. He looked as miserable and dirty as ever, and well he might! Whoever wanted to work on […]

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Six Sigma Certification in Fall River

Fall River Businesses Finding New Glory with Six Sigma Training

Fall River, MA is famous for its dominance of the textile industry in the 19th century. In the late 1800s, the city was an incredibly productive center for printed cloth. It produced more printed cloth than any other city in the United States, and the only city in the world that produced more was Manchester, […]

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