

muda lean six sigma

Waste Not Want Not: Determining Muda

When we speak of Lean tools and techniques, we know that Lean focus is on waste reduction. This includes removal of any activity that is of no value in the business process that it takes to create that product or service. So, it is in that spirit that we will review the categories of Lean […]

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six sigma acronyms

Six Sigma Acronyms and Their Usage

The genius of Lean Six Sigma is its simplicity to correct manufacturing issues. In its attempt to make the phases easy to remember, acronyms were developed. The acronyms seem similar but are different in mindset and intent. As most of you already know, the mindset and intent are very important in all Six Sigma and […]

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texas board case study

Six Sigma Case Study: Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation

Introduction The Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation (TDLR) is a growing state agency with increasing volumes of records to manage. Previously, most of TDLR’s records were housed at one of the State’s primary storage and archive facilities. In 2012, when accounts receivable verified that the cost to store the agency’s records and documents had […]

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5s tool

Lean Six Sigma 5S Tool for Decluttering

Clutter can be annoying or at its extreme even detrimental to a home or workspace. Clutter happens when you least expect it; for example, you save a magazine so that you can read it later. Then before you know it, you have an entire lifetime of National Geographic magazines stored in your closet! Lean’s 5S […]

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Sales and Marketing: Six Sigma Food For Thought

Most sales professionals view sales and marketing as an art form, requiring improvisational skills, creativity, and thinking on your feet. What about a Lean Six Sigma process approach to sales and marketing? First, let’s look at the Lean part. Lean focuses on reducing all forms of waste. The Six Sigma part is the data-driven part […]

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Kaizen is Essential For Business

When it comes to matters of business improvement, it doesn’t matter the size of the business or the industry. All businesses change over time, and if you get complacent then your business could be in for a rude awakening. A Kaizen mindset is the secret of many successful businesses. Basically, small continuous improvements will add up […]

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Six Sigma: A Path Towards a Stress-Free Work Environment

Whether you’re a large company or a small business, those who have implemented Six Sigma methodologies and tools have seen an improvement in the company staff’s work-life balance, which has turned into a rise in employee loyalty. Importance of Work-Life Balance   When a good work-life balance is cultivated, this keeps stress levels down. Chronic […]

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Apply the Correct Data By Targeting Your Audience and Questions

Quantitative surveys are a short, relatively easy way to find out specific information. These surveys have the primary goal to quantify something so that a numeric or statistical value can be obtained. The questions are to be short, concise and specific. Sometimes these questions work together in that the question would either rule out or […]

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Get the Six Sigma Fundamentals with White Belt Training

As many of those involved in Six Sigma have noticed, Six Sigma is very progressive and has kept up with the times. There is a traditional base to the methodology, but with the use of technology, it stays relevant to modern business practices. This takes education and exercising those Six Sigma muscles! The best way […]

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vonigo 6sigma

6sigma.us CEO Peter Peterka Interviewed for Vonigo

Spreading the Six Sigma philosophy comes second nature to 6sigma.us CEO and founder Peter Peterka, who was recently interviewed for Vonigo’s blog on how service companies can improve the customer experience in 2019. Vonigo is a business management software that helps service companies manage their business, offering everything from online booking to sales management tools. Service […]

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google analytics voice of the customer

Six Sigma and Google Analytics: The Perfect Pairing

Believe it or not, using Google analytics with Six Sigma methodologies can make your business even more powerful. Since Six Sigma is a data-driven practice, Google Analytics can give you powerful data that you need to make your business grow at a rapid speed. Just plain data for data sake is meaningless unless you know […]

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design for manufacturing dfm

DFM: The High Cost of Manufacturing Can Be Solved

When designing a new product, you might get caught up in the excitement of the possibilities of the success of the product, so much so that using the Six Sigma template for Design for Manufacturing (DFM) might not have caught your eye. Yet, it should be the very first place you go before you start […]

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six sigma training

Follow Directions with Six Sigma or Fail

There is a reason that steps were created to follow for success when you decide to use Six Sigma methodologies. The naysayers that say Six Sigma doesn’t work may be impatient and start skipping steps, or perhaps it is due to lack of support. The point is if the correct conditions aren’t met, you will […]

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animal rescue lean six sigma

The Praises of Lean Six Sigma in Animal Rescue

Animal rescues could all benefit from subscribing to Lean Six Sigma tools, but only a few actually use Lean Six Sigma as part of their philosophy. Well, one such success story in the animal rescue industry is that of William Brown III, who is the CEO of the Humane Society for Greater Savannah.  William Brown […]

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quality six sigma

Quality Six Sigma Style is Important on Many Levels

Quality control in Six Sigma is an ongoing endeavor and requires a mindset of having a success rate of 99.9997%. This requires consistent monitoring for defects, waste, and variation using specific Lean Six Sigma tools, such as: Value Stream Mapping Regression Analysis Pareto Chart Kaizen  Poke-Yoke Now let’s talk about what creates a habit. A […]

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The Kaizen Mindset Forever

Kaizen should be a way of life for all things; it is a mindset of small continuous improvements. Let’s use a simple example that many can relate to. Let’s say you own a house, and that house eventually will need to be painted, a new roof, new flooring or perhaps a new kitchen. What most […]

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six sigma webinars

Free ISSSP Lean Six Sigma Webinar

Have you ever wished that there was one place where all the resources about Lean Six Sigma were made available to you? A place where you could get all your Lean Six Sigma questions answered accurately, by Lean Six Sigma experts? Well, your wish has come true — ISSSP is just that place! The International […]

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dmaic template 6sigma.us

Use the Six Sigma DMAIC Tool and They Will Listen

Clean up your way of communicating by using Six Sigma DMAIC. The main issue with people not being heard is they aren’t communicating in an effective and concise way. Ever notice that when someone is passionate about a topic, their tone is different? That’s because they are well-versed on the subject matter.  When discussing topics […]

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project charter define phase

The Project Charter and Define Phase Are Inseparable

When working towards process improvements, believe it or not, the Define phase of DMAIC takes on an extra level of importance. Why? Well, you can’t assume that everyone is going to interpret the cause of the issue or problem in the same way. So the structured template of the Define phase covers all bases. The […]

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jumpstart six sigma training

Get on Board with Our Six Sigma Green Belt BootCamp Course

With the current demands on your time, what do you if you are truly motivated to understand the Lean Six Sigma roadmap so that you can get started on that project you’ve been putting off at work? STOP! 6Sigma.us has the solution and it’s called Green Belt BootCamp! We’ll cover the basics on how to […]

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