

Top 10 Reasons for Six Sigma Black Belt Training

Whether you have just begun your Six Sigma journey or have experience with the methodologies, chances are achieving Black Belt certification has crossed your mind. And, rightfully so! Six Sigma Black Belt certification, for many, is one of the highest achievements accomplishable. For most employers, Black Belts are the superior professional, possessing skills to manage most projects. However, you may be on the border about completing a SSBB training. If that case, here are the top ten reasons for you to complete our Six Sigma Black Belt training course.

First – A new, challenging training course.

Above all else, SSBB training is a great opportunity for you to face a new challenge. While you will already have White and Green Belt certification, Black Belt is a whole new level of expertise and knowledge.

Second – New leadership opportunities.

For Six Sigma projects, the highest-ranking professional leads the group. Now, as a SSBB, you will have the ability to do so. Take this opportunity to enhance your leadership skills and work as a project manager.

Learn More About Our Lean Six Sigma Black Belt Training

Third – Improve your communication skills.

As a SSBB now, you will be expected to effectively lead group projects within your organization. To do this, you must have the necessary communication skills. In Black Belt training, you will learn how to effectively communicate with other team members throughout a project’s duration.

Forth – A thorough understanding of DMAIC.

The foundation of Lean and Six Sigma methodology is DMAIC. While you will have exposure to this as a lower level belt, SSBB training will offer you a more in-depth understanding of the steps and how to perfect them.

Fifth – Increase your technical understanding.

Leading your group as a project manager, you will need to understand different types of data programming and analysis software. In our Black Belt training course, we will prepare you for the most common types of programming you will experience in your career.

Sixth – Learn how to become a business leader.

Lower level belts will work on quality management and efficiency improvements. With Black Belt training, you will learn how to connect the business requirements of your organization with the hands-on capabilities of your workforce.

Seventh – Improve your customer relations skills.

Now, as a Black Belt, you are the face of your organization. When problems arise with your products or services, your customers will look to you for solutions. With the right training, you will be prepared to handle all your customers’ needs and requests.

Eighth – Better understand your competition.

No longer are you simply a workhorse for your organization. As a high level Six Sigma professional, you will need to analyze your competitors and find innovative ways to win over market share and value. You will learn this specific skills and more in the fourth week of our program.

Ninth – Learn how to be the link between management and your team.

Senior management depends heavily on Six Sigma Black Belts as they are the natural project managers within their organizations. One of the most valuable skills to learn is how to effectively communicate management’s requirements to the project team. You will learn the necessary skills for this, such as project planning and deliverables and more.

Tenth – Grow your passion for quality improvement.

In our SSBB training course, we do more than just teach you the technical skills you need to succeed in your profession. We help you find and uncover a new passion for quality improvement within your industry. As a Six Sigma professional, you will always strive for innovation and improvements. We are here to help make sure that happens!

SixSigma.us offers both Live Virtual classes as well as Online Self-Paced training. Most option includes access to the same great Master Black Belt instructors that teach our World Class in-person sessions. Sign-up today!

Virtual Classroom Training Programs Self-Paced Online Training Programs