

Six Sigma and Your Company’s Brand

When a business takes the step to implement continuous quality methodologies such as Six Sigma, this is a great step towards the brand. Paying close attention to the quality of your products using Six Sigma tools and methods immediately shows your commitment to quality, which is an important element in your brand. 

Important Six Sigma tools for quality:

  • Cause & Effect Diagram or Fishbone Diagram
  • Check Sheet
  • Control Chart
  • Histogram
  • Pareto Chart
  • Scatter Diagram
  • Flow Chart

There is an old saying, “Nothing stays the same except change.” This is why the quality of your business product or service should be constantly monitored, and why this is the start of the brand for your business.

Important Questions

So why is branding your business extremely important?

How will Six Sigma methodologies add value to the brand that you have chosen for your business?

The Answers 

  1. Branding your business makes your business memorable. Advertising campaigns for your business are easy to create and immediately implement effectively. A great example would be the company Subaru. They always produced a great product, but hardly anyone heard of them. As soon as they began using their current theme (which you can see on their commercials), they became a household name.
  2. The practice of Six Sigma has been around for close to 40 years and has an established reputation of being a methodology that works, adding value and quality to the business. Six Sigma also has a reputation for making employees more valuable and increasing production, plus decreasing production costs by giving the company proven improvement skills.

Regardless of your company’s brand, quality has to be at the core of everything your business produces. If you implement Six Sigma correctly into your business, the quality will always follow.

Interested in applying this to your own business? For more information on our Lean Six Sigma certification and services, please visit 6sigma.us.   




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