

Six Sigma’s Magic and Mental Health

According to the Center for Workplace Mental Health, the annual cost of mental illness is costing the US economy $20 billion a year.

Stress is a big factor, and a negative workplace environment contributes to that stress, causing absenteeism and a loss in productivity. Here are some alarming statistics:

  • 64% of employees described their jobs as stressful
  • 24% have had a panic attack at work
  • 52% believed their mental health interfered with their work.

Note: These statistics were taken from a survey given to 1,012 full-time employees

Enter Six Sigma with the tools to start tackling the issue to make the workplace environment one of high morale. We already know that Six Sigma training improves quality and productivity and reduces waste, as well as cost. 

Six Sigma also emphasizes teamwork and collaboration as their secret to success. Everyone on the team is important and their input isn’t dismissed just because they are on the front line and not sitting behind a desk. In fact, those who work directly with the product’s process know more than one who is labeled the decision-maker in the typical company. 

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Investing in the employee by providing continued education will not only increase morale but loyalty as well. Using the DMAIC template for improving the day-to-day processes will ease stress two-fold. 

Hopefully, more people will implement Six Sigma into their business as company culture and show that Six Sigma methodologies can help with the mental health crisis due to workplace stress. So let’s get the conversation started and create stress-free workplace environments for all. For more information on our Lean Six Sigma courses and services, please visit 6sigma.us


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