

six sigma project

Why is a Project Important for Six Sigma Certification?

It’s important to understand how project experience factors into your chances of successful accreditation, and your later Six Sigma career. Don’t forget, Six Sigma projects are essential features of a Six Sigma career. More importantly, it’s best that you become familiar with them. This article will ask and answer the question: Why exactly are projects […]

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Six sigma certification

What is Professional Certification?

Six Sigma are words on everybody’s lips in the business sector. It can eliminate waste, seek out defects that halt progress, improve process efficiency, and turn a company around. But what training does it entail? This is an important question to consider when pursuing Six Sigma training. Also are: What is professional certification in Six […]

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5s tool lean six sigma

Lean Six Sigma Tool 5S is Perfect for Spring Cleaning

Let’s face it — every home is notorious for waste. We seem to work twice as hard at keeping things we don’t need. We buy twice as much, because we can’t see what we already have, and we keep doing it over and over, even though we know what is causing the waste. Why don’t […]

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Change Management Strategy – Ensuring that Lean Six Sigma Works

Change Management Strategy – Ensuring that Lean Six Sigma Works

Reports of impressive resource savings and improved quality output achieved by organisations employing Lean Six Sigma change methodology have been nothing short of breath taking. However, not all Lean Six Sigma initiatives have resulted in such pronounced gains. So what are the differences between star performers and organizations that yield less than spectacular results when […]

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Career Change Management Six Sigma Training

Change Management: How to Effect Serious Organizational Change

A strong policy on change management can help a business thrive. Your company needs to adapt to the market and manage change to get a competitive edge. But what does a change agent do? And how do you convince a company that your idea is the best idea? You will learn the soft-skills needed to […]

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Impact of Lean Principles On Your Business

Impact of Lean Principles On Your Business

Let’s look at the importance of Lean principles, and how Lean can impact your business. Before we begin let’s review a definition of Lean. Lean or Lean Manufacturing is a method of systematically eliminating waste in an operation, typically a production or manufacturing system. The waste can be through overburden or unevenness in work loads. […]

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Important Steps of Lean Manufacturing Processes

Important Steps of Lean Manufacturing Processes

Lean manufacturing processes help businesses eliminate waste within their own manufacturing systems. This waste (also known as muda) is typically a byproduct of variation and instability within production, i.e. the quality of components used to make a car will vary in their abnormality, depending on your supplier. The higher DPM (defect per million) for the […]

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Importance of Lean Principles – Impact on Your Business

Importance of Lean Principles – Impact on Your Business

Many global companies use the Six Sigma methodology to streamline their manufacturing and production processes with the aim of achieving greater performance quality. But we believe in going one step further: Lean Six Sigma. This collaborative method can optimize your business in a variety of ways, improving everything from sales to company image, just as […]

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Image: Most Helpful Business Tools of Six Sigma

Most Helpful Business Tools of Six Sigma

Some of the most useful Six Sigma tools for the execution of this type of projects are considered as quality tools and others as specific tools of Six Sigma projects, these tools may be used to promote strategic quality improvements or be used in full under the DMAIC methodology. During the application of the DMAIC […]

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Process flow diagram

Find Your Flow: Process Flow Diagrams for Beginners

What is Process Flow Diagram? A Process Flow Diagram is a graphical tool depicting the steps of a process in a serial order. The intrinsic reason behind it is to include all of the steps that are critical to the process. Flow diagrams are used by the team to visualize the process, and often annotate […]

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Six Sigma Training CEU Credit

MBA Or Six Sigma Training – Which is Better for You?

Six Sigma training can make you an asset for just about any employer. An MBA could land you a strong salary. Both are powerful tools that can be used to drive your career advancement, but which is better? For us, the answer is simple: they both have merit and are both good to have. This […]

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Six Sigma Tools Know-it-all: Six Sigma Definition

Six Sigma Tools Know-it-all: Six Sigma Definition

Six Sigma is an approach to quality-control and business process improvement that was developed by Motorola in the mid-80s which strives to virtually remove imperfections and flaws altogether. Its main focus was to reduce manufacturing defects to miniscule proportions through constant evaluation and improvement. Since then, Six Sigma has evolved into a philosophy that deals […]

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Avoid complacency and leave your comfort zone!

How to Avoid Complacency and Continually Improve with Six Sigma

Complacency is an epidemic. It kills productivity and can negatively affect your performance. Studies have shown that complacency comes from a lack of engagement, and affects up to 70% of the US working population. This means around three-quarters of American employees are not fully committed to their everyday workplace tasks! As an employer, this should […]

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Learning how to deal with Multi-Cultural Work Environments

Learning how to deal with Multi-Cultural Work Environments

When I was studying Organization Behavior my Professor emphatically proposed that one of the growing concerns in organizations is to deal with the tides of globalization at work. He also remarked that the situation is getting complex as organizations have less knowledge about foreign cultures and are shy about learning more. There is a constant […]

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culture, leadership, six sigma, lean six sigma, 6sigma.us

Culture: Creating An Environment of Sustainment

Is it the culture of your organization that is blocking sustainment? Most will tell you that one of the biggest challenges in implementing a 5S strategy is capturing the elusive element of Sustain. An effective 5S process is built around the elements of Sort, Set In Order, Shine, Standardize and Sustain. Quality leaders are typically very […]

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Six Sigma Leadership

Six Sigma Leadership – The Efficient Way

Six Sigma Leadership Six Sigma is a strategy used in business management and is extensively applied in many industrial sectors across the globe. Motorola is the original creator of Six Sigma. It has achieved great repute for the ability to produce tremendous performance improvements. In terms of implementation, a few firms understand its advantages. Over […]

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innovation, value, quality, 6sigma.us

Innovation: Where Is The Value?

Where is the value of innovation? If you ask business leaders to define value, you are going to get a dizzying variety of answers. Why is it so hard to define the term? Value means different things to different people. The definition depends on what they see as value in their organization. Finding value is […]

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Benchmarking In Process Improvement

Benchmarking In Process Improvement

Benchmarking is a cost-effective methodology to introduce better practices in an organization. Every year, of the annual revenues, companies achieve ten percent. According to consulting firms, these are the companies, which invest in successfully implementing quality initiatives. Research on benchmarking, highlights numerous successful practices across a variety of dimensions of business improvement and management. This […]

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conflict resolution, lean six sigma, 6sigma.us

Conflict: Managing At The Top

Conflict is a natural human condition. That conflict naturally occurs in the business environment. Just like in personal relationships, conflict in business relationships can become a destructive force. This is especially destructive when that conflict occurs between top leaders or the founders of an organization. That negative energy and environment can take a wildly successful […]

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The More Things Change

The More Things Change…

“…the more things remain the same.” As they gathered around the salad bar, one employee said, “that must be the umpteenth announcement this month.” One of the senior employees smiled. “Don’t worry. It’s all talk. There’s never any follow-through. Trust me, I’ve been here long enough. Things will NEVER change around here.” We remembered conversations […]

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