

Six Sigma and Business Analytics: Web Analytics

Over the past decade, we have seen corporate empires move from store-front real-estates to online market places. This digital trend allows more consumers to find the products they want faster and easier. With this new corporate trend comes new ways to perform business analytics. One of which, importantly enough, is web analytics. In this article, we will discuss the importance of web analytics, what it is, and how you can combine it with the process improvement methods of Six Sigma!

What is Web Analytics?

By definition, web analytics is the process of assessing an organization’s online presence and behavior with the help of different tools. Moreover, this analytics can help an organization adapt their website in order to gain more followers, traction, and sales. In the past few years, web analytics has become increasing popular with advertisement agencies, retail chains, and social media. Today, there are countless tools organizations can use to monitor their web traffic, see where it comes from, what users prefer, and how they can optimize their engagement rate.

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There are two distinct types of web analytics to consider. First, there is ‘on-site’ analytics. This accounts for all data surrounding your website. On-site analytics covers how many people view your site per day, what are the most popular tabs, how many products customers buy, and more. Next, there is ‘off-site’ analytics. This analyzes the internet as a whole, measuring statistics such as the size of the market, how many competitors you have, and what current trends there are.

Why Use Web Analytics?

Amongst countless reasons, there are a few important one for why you should consider using web analytics. First, it allows you to measure your market place. How many customers can your potential reach? What are the current trends of your potential customers? Who are your biggest competitors online? These questions all relate to your market place presence. By understanding where your organization stands within your specific market, you can adjust your website accordingly. Likewise, performing regular analysis of your own site can provide you with great insight. Whether you considering changing your landing page, wanting to add more products, or connect to more social media account, web data is vital. We recommend performing analysis on your own site a regular basis to keep up with trends you face directly.

Web Analytics and Six Sigma

Where Six Sigma comes into play is with the data analysis and process improvement. First, data analysis requires you to use one of many analytical tools. Of all possible choices, Google Analytics is the most widely used and highest recommended amongst users. With this tool, you can measure countless variables and collect important data. For this, Six Sigma employees will oversee the mining, collection, and analysis of all critical data. Next, there is process improvement. Once your project manager has carefully analyzed your data, it’s time to make some changes. From your data sets, you can implement a variety of changes to increase your website’s engagement rate and responsiveness. To accurately implement process changes, we advise you to follow the steps of DMAIC.

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