

Quality is a Mindset: Interview With Subir Chowdhury

Six Sigma professionals focus on quality to achieve their success. When that focus becomes a true ‘mindset’ then results become significant and long lasting. If you look at any sales organization, ‘mindset’ for success is required for any true sales professional. The Six Sigma professional must have that same vision and drive. We can either go through the motions, or we can really do what we do, with a passion.

In a recent interview, Subir Chowdhury discusses the mindset of quality. Mr. Chowdhury is one of the world’s leading experts on quality management and the author of 13 books, including the international bestsellers The Power of Six Sigma and The Ice Cream Maker. Mr. Chowdhury discusses through a series of questions his philosophy on what quality really means and the importance of mindset. For Six Sigma professionals, this interview is both insightful and inspirational. Mr. Chowdhury walks through several areas that explores the mindset of quality and Six Sigma.

For more information on this insightful interview with Mr. Chowdhury, read the article Quality: A Mindset.

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