

5 Biggest Risks Six Sigma Faces Without a Governing Body

Since its inception in the late 1980’s, Six Sigma has become increasingly popular throughout hundreds of industries. Across the world, professionals are finding new ways to use the process improvement methodology to their benefit. However, with this growing demand for Six Sigma, the business method faces a series of potential setbacks. On top of the list is the lack of a governing body. Unlike other popular educational institutions, Six Sigma does not have a single governing body that regulates the methods taught by practitioners and trainers. As a result, Six Sigma is now possibly in jeopardy. But what are the actual risks Six Sigma faces without a governing body?

Lack of Consistent Training 

The first and more apparent risk Six Sigma faces is a lack of consistent training. Since every program can offer different training or certification, it’s impossible to know what students are learning. While some practitioners may offer highly renowned Six Sigma training, others may only provide abysmal resources for the same course. In this scenario, a governing body would set concrete training and certification requirements each belt must achieve.

Lack of Organization

As a result of inconsistent training, Six Sigma lacks overall organization. This is especially apparent when professionals apply to new positions or move to different organizations. Without a governing body, it’s difficult to know exactly what training an employee has and what their skill set is. While consistent training is the first step, an organized, structured approach to training and skill requirements comes next. 

Loss of Transparency  

Similar to the first two risks, the absence of a governing body places a lack of transparency across Six Sigma. Without this system of checks and balances, it’s impossible to know what trainers and certifiers are offering. Likewise, it’s equally as difficult to know what they are offering. By failing to distinguish the difference between ‘certification’ and ‘training’, or the belts, practitioners will offer whatever the customers are willing to buy. This is especially dangerous when the buyer is ill-informed about what the course covers and its requirements for certification. 

Abundance of Illegitimate Training 

Next, a loss of transparency directly leads to an abundance of illegitimate training and certification programs. Without a governing body, practitioners’ courses do not need to meet a specific standard. As a result, prospective Six Sigma professionals face running into illegitimate practitioners on a wider scale. Read this article to see what you should do when faced with this situation.

Growth of a Poor Reputation

The last risk Six Sigma faces from a lack of a governing body is a growing poor reputation. Over the past few decades, Six Sigma and its professionals have created a higher standard of process improvement that organizations desire. Without a basic standard across the methodology, well-qualified professionals risk their reputation at the hands of a few sour apples.

Like most negative impacts on a process, there are countless chain reactions that will occur. Six Sigma is no different. The longer we go without a proper, official governing body, the more severe risks we will face in the years to come.

SixSigma.us offers both Live Virtual classes as well as Online Self-Paced training. Most option includes access to the same great Master Black Belt instructors that teach our World Class in-person sessions. Sign-up today!

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