

Six Sigma Case Study: Whole Foods

It’s impossible to avoid the growing footprint of Whole Foods across the United States. Since the company’s creation in the late 1970’s, the grocery store chain has become a household name. Seen as a premium brand, its business model focuses on a set of strict criteria and a specific customer base. However, with its strict […]

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Practicing Due Diligence: Checking In

Whenever you work on a project, apply for a new career, or order something online, you like to check its status. How far along your project has come, when your next interview will be, and where your package is, are all questions you ask when checking the progress. Six Sigma is no different. When you […]

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How to Avoid Illegitimate Practitioners

There’s never been a better or more appropriate time for professionals to seek Six Sigma certification. From advancing careers to understanding the complexity of business processes, Six Sigma certification is an excellent achievement for anyone. Decades ago when Six Sigma methodologies were first introduced by Motorola and GE, there were few practitioners offering training and […]

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Practicing Due Diligence: How to Save Yourself Time & Money

As a professional seeking Six Sigma certification, your time and money are extremely valuable. Unlike those who are not currently working or without day time commitments, it’s more difficult for you to devote your free time to a course that you’re unsure about. While there are pros and cons to every Six Sigma program, one […]

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5 Questions to Ask Your Practitioner

If you’re considering enrolling in a Six Sigma training program, it’s important to have the full picture in mind. Whether you’re new to the methodology or just looking to gain a new Belt, there are certain things you must ask your practitioner before signing on the dotted line. In our previous articles, we discuss the […]

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Practicing Due Diligence: Signs of a Legitimate Practitioner

At 6sigma.us, we focus on providing the absolute best training and certification programs to professionals in all industries. Whether you’re in marketing, finance, manufacturing, or logistics, our programs will benefit your career and your organization. We have spent our time helping you decipher the legitimate practitioners apart from the phonies. We do this by focusing […]

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Six Sigma White Belt

Top 10 Reasons for Six Sigma White Belt Training

At some point in your career, you may decide that you want to change. Change can be a positive step towards achieving your career goals, depending on your move. Regardless if you want to change employers or move up the corporate ladder, you will need proof that you’re ready for the challenges you face. If […]

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Six Sigma Key Strategies: SMART Objectives

Imagine this: you have just achieved your Six Sigma Black Belt certification. You’re about to begin your first role as a project manager within your corporation. All eyes are now on you and you have a growing desire to exceed managements’ expectations. Yet, how exactly are you going to do that? Whether you’re new to […]

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Six Sigma and Business Analytics: Environmental Impact Analytics

Whether you support or are against climate change legislation, governments around the world are pushing for more environmentally-friendly operations. Now, governments expect corporations to be proactive about the business processes and attempt to minimalize the impact on their surrounding environments. Organizations that perform manufacturing and production roles can expect to see the greatest impacts from […]

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six sigma

Six Sigma and Business Analytics: Web Analytics

Over the past decade, we have seen corporate empires move from store-front real-estates to online market places. This digital trend allows more consumers to find the products they want faster and easier. With this new corporate trend comes new ways to perform business analytics. One of which, importantly enough, is web analytics. In this article, […]

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Six Sigma and Business Analytics: Shareholder Value Analytics

Six Sigma methodology is perfect for discovering innovative ways of improving your organization’s operations. Likewise, there’s more to the business process improvement methods than just manufacturing and production processes. If you are considering to publicly list your company or want to find ways to improve your market value, Six Sigma can help. Combining with business […]

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Six Sigma and KPI’s: Product Recycling Rate

Waste reduction is a meaningful KPI that all corporations and organizations should look into. Likewise, reducing waste is also a critical competent to the Six Sigma methodology. Going hand in hand with decreasing production defects, reducing your overall waste results from due diligence and innovative thinking. However, as more organizations adopt Six Sigma practices, there […]

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Six Sigma and KPI’s: Waste Reduction Rate

One of the core philosophies behind Six Sigma is waste reduction. This idea results from improving your organization’s efficiency and deterring production and manufacturing errors. However, simply saying that you wish to reduce waste can be a rather broad term. To help with this, we will introduce you to a simple KPI that measures your […]

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Training & Life: When to Start Your Course

No matter what industry you work in, at some point, gaining Six Sigma certification will be highly beneficial to your career. Although it’s mostly common for professionals in manufacturing and production to enroll in training, countless other industries are now expecting their employees to have a basic understanding of Six Sigma. So, when is it […]

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Six Sigma Green Belt

Overview: Short & Long-Term Benefits from Six Sigma Green Belt Training

As a young professional, you may be considering enrolling in a Six Sigma training program. Like most, you may be wondering what you can gain from the different certifications and courses. Regardless of your current certification or education level, achieving a Six Sigma certificate is an excellent way to fast track your career. However, it […]

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Due Diligence: Fact Checking your Practitioners

It’s the middle of the summer and you’re probably strategizing what’s next for your career come the end of August. Whether you are a recent college graduate, or just looking for new career opportunities, enrolling in a Six Sigma training program is a great way to gain valuable skills that will set you apart from […]

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Six SIgma black belt projects

Top 10 Reasons for Six Sigma Black Belt Training

Whether you have just begun your Six Sigma journey or have experience with the methodologies, chances are achieving Black Belt certification has crossed your mind. And, rightfully so! Six Sigma Black Belt certification, for many, is one of the highest achievements accomplishable. For most employers, Black Belts are the superior professional, possessing skills to manage […]

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Six Sigma Case Study: Starbucks

In a matter of 40 years, Starbucks has gone from a stand-alone shop in Seattle to the largest coffeehouse chain in the world. No matter where you live, chances are you can find a nearby location, full with coffee enthusiasts and aficionados, alike. When entering a Starbucks, customers experience a sophisticated atmosphere. The combination of […]

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Lean Six Sigma

Six Sigma and Business Analytics: Lean Six Sigma Analytics

Improving processes with Lean Six Sigma is no easy task; it takes hard work and smart thinking. When implementing Lean Six Sigma, always remember that teamwork is key to solving problems. This is true in all industries, from call centers to software development to manufacturing. It is especially true of the latter. But how do […]

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Image: Money

Six Sigma and Business Analytics: Value Driver Analytics

What is value driver analytics? It is, in basic terms, an assessment and investigation of the usefulness of your business’s value drivers. Ask yourself, where is your business headed? Most businesses tend to know where they’re going and what they want to achieve. However, it can often be difficult to strategize to best your utilize […]

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