

Root Cause Analysis: Most Important 5 Whys

Root Cause Analysis: Most Important 5 Whys

Asking “why” constantly is not child’s play. In fact, it is a favorite technique used in conducting Root Cause Analysis (RCA). This tool is used in identifying the root cause of the problem. What makes it great is that it does not require one to do hypothesis testing, data segmentation, or even use advanced statistical […]

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Lean and Six Sigma & its business benefits

Discover Lean and Six Sigma & Its Business Importance

It is common for organizations to experience problems. To prevent problems from ballooning out of proportion, it is crucial to use methods that improve the work flow and processes. One of the main reasons why organizations face many hurdles is waste in the form of excess processes, overproduction of products, and many others. Lean and […]

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Three Lean Related Big Business Benefits of Lean Consulting

Three Lean Related Big Business Benefits of Lean Consulting

When talking about big business in the context of efficiency, people’s minds often jump to economies of scale. But those are only attainable after all processes have been truly optimized. Unfortunately, the larger the scale, the more managerial manpower a company needs to make sure things run smoothly and margins stay as large as possible. […]

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How to Earn Fat Salaries as a Lean Consultant

How to Earn Fat Salaries as a Lean Consultant

Lean consultants are highly sought after, earning anything between £30 and £65 per annum, and in some cases even more. It is a highly lucrative and rewarding profession, for which numerous large companies such as GlaxoSmithKline and RBS Global are always seeking innovative professionals with expert Lean knowledge. Many Lean consultants come from larger firms, […]

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Important Steps of Lean Manufacturing Processes

Important Steps of Lean Manufacturing Processes

Lean manufacturing processes help businesses eliminate waste within their own manufacturing systems. This waste (also known as muda) is typically a byproduct of variation and instability within production, i.e. the quality of components used to make a car will vary in their abnormality, depending on your supplier. The higher DPM (defect per million) for the […]

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Aiming for Bigger Business Success? Lean Six Sigma is For You

Aiming for Bigger Business Success? Lean Six Sigma is For You

Lean Six Sigma is a global phenomenon with the potential to drive your company towards bigger and more tangible business success. Efficiency, profitability, product quality, Lean Six Sigma can improve them all. Success stories are in abundance as businesses all over the world have taken advantage of the many benefits Lean Six Sigma has to […]

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Importance of Lean Principles – Impact on Your Business

Importance of Lean Principles – Impact on Your Business

Many global companies use the Six Sigma methodology to streamline their manufacturing and production processes with the aim of achieving greater performance quality. But we believe in going one step further: Lean Six Sigma. This collaborative method can optimize your business in a variety of ways, improving everything from sales to company image, just as […]

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Getting started with Lean Six Sigma

Getting Started with Lean Six Sigma

Lean Six Sigma is a customer-focused business enhancement strategy. It involves utilizing a set of management techniques designed to improve business processes by greatly reducing the probability of errors or defects. Most companies are in business for two reasons:– 1) to provide excellent customer services, and 2) to ensure a profitable venture for all involved. […]

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Root Cause Analysis

Root Cause Analysis (RCA) for Beginners

What is Root Cause Analysis (RCA)? Root cause analysis usually referred to as RCA is an approach used to analyze serious problems before trying to solve them, by which the main root cause of a problem is isolated and identified. A root cause is defined as a factor which by removal would prevent the occurrence […]

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Image: Lean Six Sigma - Beginner’s Guide

Lean Six Sigma – Beginner’s Guide

What is Six Sigma? Six Sigma is firstly introduced by Bill Smith, Motorola’s engineer in 1986 as a multi tools and techniques for continuous improvement. Then used as a central business strategy in 1995 at General Electric. Since then it is widely used in various industrial and services sectors. Six Sigma main goal is to […]

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Six Sigma Green Belt Salary

Average Salaries of Six Sigma Green Belt Holders

The Six Sigma Green Belt is known to be employed with prominent knowledge to support and participate in Lean and Six Sigma projects, as team members and as potential leaders of the team, usually under the supervision of a Six Sigma Black Belt. Learn more about Six Sigma Green Belt The Six Sigma Green Belt […]

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Image: Most Helpful Business Tools of Six Sigma

Most Helpful Business Tools of Six Sigma

Some of the most useful Six Sigma tools for the execution of this type of projects are considered as quality tools and others as specific tools of Six Sigma projects, these tools may be used to promote strategic quality improvements or be used in full under the DMAIC methodology. During the application of the DMAIC […]

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Get Your Business Rolling With MSA (Measurement System Analysis)

Get Your Business Rolling With MSA (Measurement System Analysis)

Many business processes are often analyzed with suspicious data, if such data are not of quality, can lead us to erroneous decisions that distract the organization from the expected results even when the greatest effort is being made on the data collected, in this order of ideas, It is vital to eliminate activities that do […]

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Understanding Process Flow Diagram (PFD)

Understanding Process Flow Diagram (PFD) and its Vital Benefits

The understanding the process flow diagram (PFD) as the graphic representation of the separate steps or activities of a process which are arranged sequentially and adaptable to any process developed in both industrial and service companies, helps us to see it then as a tool of great utility and versatility. Currently, it represents a powerful […]

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leadership, business, project manager, six sigma, lean six sigma, 6sigma.us

What Makes a Fantastic Six Sigma Project Manager?

So you’ve got your Six Sigma certificate? But now what do you do? Where do you even begin? Being a Six Sigma project manager can be hard work, but it’s also very rewarding. The hardest part is over. Now you just need to demonstrate the same level of expertise as a Six Sigma project manager. […]

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Process flow diagram

Find Your Flow: Process Flow Diagrams for Beginners

What is Process Flow Diagram? A Process Flow Diagram is a graphical tool depicting the steps of a process in a serial order. The intrinsic reason behind it is to include all of the steps that are critical to the process. Flow diagrams are used by the team to visualize the process, and often annotate […]

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Six Sigma: The Tools of Life

In Six Sigma as in life, there is one simple way to clear up a problem, and that is to get to root cause of that problem. In other words, instead of treating the symptoms or putting a band-aid on the issue, let’s find out what is causing the issue or problem. One such Six […]

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Six Sigma Training CEU Credit

MBA Or Six Sigma Training – Which is Better for You?

Six Sigma training can make you an asset for just about any employer. An MBA could land you a strong salary. Both are powerful tools that can be used to drive your career advancement, but which is better? For us, the answer is simple: they both have merit and are both good to have. This […]

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Business Benefits of Lean Consulting

Six Sigma in Education: Apply Lean Principles to Your Sector

Six Sigma and Lean principles drive change, allowing businesses to seek out and eliminate waste, cultivate process improvement, and transform profit margins. But the question is, can they be used in the education sector? And how will their application benefit you? Today we answer these questions as we look at how you can apply vital […]

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Root Cause Analysis tools

What Are Common Root Cause Analysis (RCA) Tools?

What is Root Cause Analysis? When you encounter a problem, it is always advisable to get to the bottom of it as quickly as possible. In the business environment, the Root Cause Analysis (RCA) is a technique that allows people to determine the reasons why a particular problem has occurred. This technique identifies the source […]

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