

Lean Six Sigma

Six Sigma and Business Analytics: Lean Six Sigma Analytics

Improving processes with Lean Six Sigma is no easy task; it takes hard work and smart thinking. When implementing Lean Six Sigma, always remember that teamwork is key to solving problems. This is true in all industries, from call centers to software development to manufacturing. It is especially true of the latter. But how do […]

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Image: Money

Six Sigma and Business Analytics: Value Driver Analytics

What is value driver analytics? It is, in basic terms, an assessment and investigation of the usefulness of your business’s value drivers. Ask yourself, where is your business headed? Most businesses tend to know where they’re going and what they want to achieve. However, it can often be difficult to strategize to best your utilize […]

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5 Ways a Six Sigma Governing Body Would Deter Fake Practitioners

It’s one thing to say Six Sigma is in need of a governing body, but it’s another to say how it would function in practice. All we can do at this stage is speculate on what would make an ideal governing body. We should first ask what we want from one. What should it do […]

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Six Sigma Leadership Profile: Mark Cuban

There’s more to Mark Cuban than just owning the Mavericks. Mark Cuban is many things. Businessman, TV personality, author, investor, philanthropist, to name a few. Most people know him from the popular ABC show Shark Tank in which he is one of the ‘shark’ investors. Fact, Cuban has invested close to $20 million throughout his […]

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Six Sigma Case Study: KLM Royal Dutch Airlines

Since the deregulation of airlines in the United States in the 1970’s, we have witnessed countless mergers, take-overs, and joint ventures form. From TWA and American Airlines to United and Continental, airlines seem to continuously fold into one another. However, one airline continues to be a true inspiration of endurance and stability. Across the pond, […]

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Six Sigma and KPI’s: Return on Innovation Investment

Of course, most professionals are familiar with Return on Investment. Yet, another more insightful key performance indicator is your Return on Innovation Investment (ROII). Most companies and organizations invest a percentage each year into innovations. However, what is your return on these investments? In this article, we will analyze ROII, what it is, and why […]

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Six Sigma and KPI’s: Klout Score

Each day, new companies, organizations, and individuals join the online community of social media. Over the past decade, social media has completely revamped how we conduct business and gain traction. In the past, you would advertise on billboards and in magazines at high costs. Now, you can advertise your organization at nearly no cost and […]

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Six Sigma Case Study: Netflix

Who doesn’t love Netflix? The ability to watch countless hours of TV shows and movies has single handily revamped the entertainment industry. Where becoming a blockbuster at the movie theater used to the goal, it’s now scoring a production contract with Netflix. While the entertainment company has become a huge success over the past decade, […]

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Six SIgma black belt projects

Life After Master Black Belt (MBB)

For many Six Sigma professionals, the ultimate goal is to become a Master Black Belt (MBB). This certification is the top-ranking Belt one can achieve while following the methodology. However, you do not simply become a MBB overnight. Most professionals spend years in a technical role before engaging in the appropriate training. Likewise, the correct […]

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Fake Practitioners & How Six Sigma Suffers from Them

Whether you’re an experienced Six Sigma professional or just beginning your training courses, chances are that you’ve run across fake practitioners. Typically, they will try to lure you into their programs, offering enhanced training at unbeatable prices. However, more often than not, these promises are nothing but false hope. Fake practitioners are on the rise […]

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Six Sigma and Business Analytics: Quantitative Surveys

Who doesn’t love getting more data? More data provides more insight to the nuts and bolts of your day to day operations. How your organization runs, what areas are most efficient, how you can improve processes is all seen through data. However, not all data is as easily accessible as others. For example, understanding your […]

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Six Sigma and Business Analytics: Monte Carlo Simulation

Doing business is all about taking risks. Whether you’re deciding to become a full-time entrepreneur, open a new office, or invest in a company, you’re taking risks. However, not all risks are necessarily “risky”. Let’s explain. While you may be taking a risk by venturing into a new investment scheme, chances are you will analyze […]

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Six Sigma and KPI’s: Your Customer Retention Rate

When operating a business, there are a few key metrics you must keep a close eye on. While knowing how expensive your business is to operate is a priority, customer retention is equally important. Customers are the backbone of your business’ success. Whether you sell a product, offer a service, or perform research and development, […]

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Six Sigma and KPI’s: Your Operating Expense Ratio (OER)

Running a business can be expensive. No matter what industry you’re in, what services you offer, or products you make, there’s an ever-changing cost for doing business. Typically, how expensive it is to operate your business determines how profitable you are. Likewise, your operating expenses determine your return on investments, growth aspirations, and revenue. While […]

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5 Biggest Risks Six Sigma Faces Without a Governing Body

Since its inception in the late 1980’s, Six Sigma has become increasingly popular throughout hundreds of industries. Across the world, professionals are finding new ways to use the process improvement methodology to their benefit. However, with this growing demand for Six Sigma, the business method faces a series of potential setbacks. On top of the […]

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Industry: Climate Change and Six Sigma

Climate change is an unavoidable factor for many people, organizations, and corporations. Around the world, different areas are experiencing the effects first hand of climate change. Whether it’s rising sea levels along ocean front cities or rapid weather changes in arid climates, scientists are having to work alongside engineers and developers to protect our societies. […]

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How To: Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)

If there’s one thing Six Sigma methodologies need more than anything, it’s data. Data drives the decisions we make, how we interpret our operations, and what areas within an organization need improvement. However, not all data is created equally. More importantly, deciphering between data sets and points can be extremely cumbersome. To combat this, there […]

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How to Read an Affinity Diagram

What is an Affinity Diagram? An affinity diagram gathers large amounts of data and organizes it into meaningful groups, relationships, and patterns. Although grouping data together in respectable groups is common throughout business analysis, affinity diagrams became officially known in the 1960s. Since then, organizations, project teams, and corporations have used these diagrams for a […]

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Six Sigma and Change Management

Six Sigma and Change Management

No one enjoys change. While changes may be necessary, or unavoidable, they can be difficult for employees to accept. These changes may be as simple as reorganizing your office layout, or as complex as revamping a customary production process. Nonetheless, if your workforce avoids change, your organization as a whole is in jeopardy. Six Sigma […]

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Organizational Effectiveness

What is Organizational Effectiveness?

When you think ‘Six Sigma’, the first thing that usually comes to mind is ‘improvement’. And, rightfully so. Six Sigma methodology focuses on deterring errors in a process by increasing efficiency and striving for constant improvement. However, Six Sigma is closely related to what is known as Organizational Effectiveness. This term refers to the overall […]

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