

kaizen event 6sigma.us

Kaizen Events for Serious, Fast Improvements

So let’s say that your business has a lot of issues that need fixing. So you may be considering having a Kaizen event. Well, this is a great idea because having a Kaizen event is the quickest way to improve processes that are sluggish, just as long as the improvements are within the scope of […]

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kanban board six sigma tool

Kanban Boards Have Their Own Process

The beauty of Six Sigma methodology and Lean Six Sigma tools are their simplicity and versatility. Today, let’s talk about kanban boards. Originally created by Taiichi Ohno for Toyota in the 1940’s, kanban boards help visualize the current work in progress. The kanban board physically can be a simple white board with post-it sticky notes […]

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pdca plan do check act

The PDCA Cycle as Part of the Continuous Improvement Process

There are many great tools and templates used in Six Sigma, and today we are going to spend a little time with PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Act). PDCA is a template or cycle used for problem solving. W. Edwards Deming originally created PDCA way back in the 1950s, and his intentions were to use PDCA with a continuous […]

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DFSS design for six sigma

DFSS Methodologies Create Change for the Better

The genius of Six Sigma DMAIC is that you use it to improve on existing processes on products or services that already exist, so that what is being done in the existing processes is bringing value to the product or service, therefore meeting the customer’s requirements. More specifically, Six Sigma DMAIC is a structured methodology […]

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6sigma.us root cause analysis online training

Getting to the Root of the Cause in Six Sigma

When we have a problem or issue, we need to get to the root of that problem, otherwise that problem won’t go away. The specific problem will keep happening, because like a bad weed, it will keep popping its ugly, annoying head up and cause the same issue. Root cause analysis (RCA) is a specific technique […]

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Six Sigma A3 Process

Lean Six Sigma A3 Process Keeps Problem Solving Organized

When problem-solving, staying in an organized systematic path is extremely important, otherwise, new issues could arise. That’s why the Lean Six Sigma approach called A3 is so genius. Basically, the A3 process is a structured template for solving problems in a continuous matter. The A3 approach is also known as SPS, which stands for Systematic […]

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design six sigma dfss

DFSS Provides Structure While Creating

Here’s a basic overview of Design for Six Sigma (DFSS) and when it’s used. DFSS is used when you want to create a new product, service or process. After reviewing your current existing product, service, or process, you realize that process making improvements still won’t close the gap of what is required by your customer […]

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time management six sigma

You Can Buy More Time by Using Six Sigma’s DMAIC

Believe it or not, there is a way of prioritizing tasks that is considered correct, meaning there isn’t idle or wasted time from one task to the next. Each task is layered on top of the previous one, with the end resulting in a well-constructed process for your business. Is it possible to run your […]

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six sigma branding

Branding Is the Essence of Your Business

Establishing a strong brand is one of the most important things you can do for your business. But what is branding? By definition, it is the practice of creating a name, symbol or logo that for a product or service, creating an image in the consumer’s mind. A strong brand should differentiate a product or service […]

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A Review in the Basics of Six Sigma: Part 1

It is a good habit to always review the basic principles of any practice, and Six Sigma isn’t any different. The most pertinent information is in the basic information you learn at the beginning of any practice. What is Six Sigma? Six Sigma is a data-based methodology that uses a systematic approach to reduce errors […]

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The Analyze Phase of DMAIC

Six Sigma methodologies have had so much success, mainly because it is data-driven. In other words, the data will give you all the information, and based on that information you will know how to proceed. It is working smart without guessing or using the luck of the draw, so the Analyze Phase of DMAIC deserves […]

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six sigma business success

By Not Using Six Sigma, It’s Costing Your Business Money

In the quick world of technology — where many companies try to do away with the middleman and cutting corners is a way of life — Lean Six Sigma might seem like taking the long way to cross the street.  The irony is that cutting corners doesn’t work if you aren’t cutting the correct corners. […]

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why is six sigma good for business

Why is Six Sigma Important for Business?

Why is Six Sigma important for business? This may seem like an ignorant question, but to people who don’t know what Six Sigma is, it is a perfectly good question. If there was a way to prevent a disease that ran in your family, you would likely do whatever it took to prevent from getting […]

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mcdonald's six sigma

McDonald’s Benefits from Six Sigma Methodologies

For a large corporation like McDonald’s, quality management is one of the biggest driving forces behind its success. There is nothing arbitrary about the Six Sigma practice — and the business of McDonald’s. When specifications are created at McDonald’s, it is because it is important to what the customer wants and requires. And the results […]

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Pareto Chart

Getting Specific with the Pareto Chart

The Pareto chart is a great Six Sigma tool based on the Pareto principle named after Vilfredo Pareto, an Italian economist. The Pareto principle can be used to divide just about everything up into an 80/20 ratio. An example of the 80/20 principle is exemplified in what Vilfredo Pareto observed himself back in 1906 — […]

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Call it What You Like, but Success is Spelled DMAIC

We are running a series of sorts on different companies that have implemented Six Sigma into their company culture, and in turn have achieved monumental success. Today we will talk about The Vanguard Group. They are an investment management company based out of Malvern, Pennsylvania, and they have over $4 trillion dollars in assets under […]

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voice of the customer VOC six sigma

VOC Makes Every Customer a VIP

The core of Six Sigma methodology is keeping customers fulfilled and happy, so they will come back to use your product or service. Without any customers, you won’t have a business. In order to do that, you must know exactly what your customers require from your business; in other words, what is important to your […]

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fishbone diagram six sigma cause effect

The Fishbone Diagram is the “Wishbone” to the Cause

The fishbone diagram, created by Kaoru Ishikawa, is a simple tool for visually seeing the possible causes of an issue and how it affects the end result. The fishbone diagram is also referred to as the Ishikawa diagram, the cause and effect diagram, or the Ishikawa. When working as a team, to solve an issue, […]

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root cause analysis

Touching the Surface of Root Cause Analysis

When there is an issue or problem in your business, you don’t want it to linger and cause deeper problems. You want to fix it forever.  This is a job for Root Cause Analysis (RCA) — find the cause, fix it and never allow it to happen again. The Process of Root Cause Analysis Establish […]

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Applying Six Sigma to the Tale of the Tortoise and the Hare

Do you remember one of Aesop’s Fables, “The Tortoise and the Hare”? Long ago, there was a hare that would make fun of the tortoise because he moved so slowly. Then the hare would brag about how he was the fastest around. So the tortoise finally got fed up and challenged the hare to a […]

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