

TRIZ - Theory of Inventive Problem Solving

TRIZ – Theory of Inventive Problem Solving

If somebody thought that innovating was a piece of cake he was wrong. A lot of discussion has been focused on advice for organizations gearing up for change. An overwhelming number of discussions and newspaper articles force us to think how much time, effort and energy is being put into the issue of Innovation. A […]

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Six Sigma Handbook

Six Sigma Handbook: Apt Way To Know About The Inimitable Management Strategy

A successful management strategy will help a particular business establishment to flourish in the business arena and allows it to stay ahead of the competitors. The basic concept of a company is structured on the basis of certain core values. The core values take inspiration from the successful management strategies. There are several time tested […]

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Image: Toyota Production System (TPS) - Making of a Post war Automotive Star

The Toyota Production System (TPS) – The Making of a Post war Automotive Star

It is said that the rise and rise of Toyota can be attributed to the philosophy, now termed the TPS (Toyota production system.) Developed in part by Toyota’s vice president Taiichi Ohno and its founder Sakichi Toyoda during the post war decades, Toyota’s phenomenal success has been attributed to its implementation. On the basis of […]

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Image: Ishikawa, aka Fishbone Diagram

What is Ishikawa (Fishbone Diagram)?

A Math teacher once asked his pupils, “What do you think is Ishikawa?” “It is a place in Japan,” was the prompt answer of a ninth-grader. “That is interesting and quite true, but in the context of this Math class, let me help you understand that the Ishikawa I am mentioning here are diagrams that […]

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Conflict Avoidance: Get Over It

Conflict Avoidance: How to Get Over It!

Unfortunately, many of us in management positions tend to shy away from change initiatives that would cause conflicts in our organizations. While this tendency is based on the natural instincts of many of us to avoid conflict, these tendencies may be preventing us from enjoying increased productivity and harmony within our organizations. The beauty of […]

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Use Of Affinity Diagram As A Brainstorming Tool

Use Of Affinity Diagram As A Brainstorming Tool

Among the many tools available to Six Sigma project teams, the one that consistently is used successfully by all types of teams is the affinity diagram. Also known as the KJ method or a tree diagram, the affinity diagram is a very effective way to manage the brainstorming process and create a more organized approach […]

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Make The Most Of The Process Map

How To Make The Most Of The Process Map

An integral part of the Six Sigma methodology is defining a process very precisely, including every single detail of each step along the way. The best way to do this is with a process map, one of the most powerful tools available to Six Sigma practitioners. About the process map A process map looks much […]

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Everything About Six Sigma

Everything You Wanted to Know About Six Sigma

Two questions first. 1. Have you recently come across the news of some company drastically improve their performance levels or another claiming to triple their annual turnover, or even have better employee harmony? Wondered how? 2. Are you one of the many hapless business people wishing for a spray of pixie dust to miraculously save […]

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Kaizen Continuous Improvement

Kaizen and the Philosophy of Continuous Improvement in Change Management

Effective change management involves not just imposing a new process on a team but engaging them with a new way of thinking, that makes ongoing process improvement the norm. One of the frameworks used to embed this new philosophy within the psyche of an organization is the PDCA framework often termed (in Six Sigma-speak) Kaizen. […]

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Step-by-Step Guide to Six Sigma

Your Step by Step Guide for Six Sigma

Six Sigma widely use DMAIC approach during continuous process improvements as DMAIC is a data-driven quality strategy. DMAIC approach that includes Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve and Control Phase improves the process and ensures best possible results during the continuous process improvements. Define Phase is the initial stage of the Six Sigma project that identifies and […]

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Image: DMAIC Approach in Lean Six Sigma

DMAIC Approach in Lean Six Sigma

Six Sigma Concepts are used to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of business performance. The statistical representation of Six Sigma describes the performance of the process. A process is said to achieve Six Sigma only if it doesn’t produce more than 3.4 defects per million (DPM) opportunities. Six Sigma focuses on process improvement and reduces […]

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Understanding 5S in Kaizen

Understanding the 5S’s of Kaizen

Let’s look now at details of the 5S’s of the Kaizen continuous improvement approach. Let’s first note that 5S is the name of a way of organizing the workplace. The letter S refers to the first letter of each of 5 words. Each is a Japanese word starting with this S sound. When you use […]

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Kaizen Helps You Generate Business Opportunities

Discover How Kaizen Helps You Generate Business Opportunities

Let’s look more closely now at generating business opportunities and how the continuous improvement approach of Kaizen can help. Kaizen and business opportunities When we look at business opportunities, we can think of new businesses and new opportunities for existing businesses. Kaizen can help you create an atmosphere of continuous improvement to give you a […]

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Discover Kaizen Methods - New Way

Discover Kaizen Methods – A New Way

Let’s look now at the specific methods you can use to benefit from the Kaizen approach. These methods can help you improve productivity and quality to give you a competitive edge and improve business results. The Toyota experience of using Kaizen shows how you can improve competitiveness and results using the continuous improvement approach of […]

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Image: root cause analysis steps

Root Cause Analysis (RCA)– Important Steps

Let’s look now at an important tool used in continuous improvement efforts. The tool is Root Cause Analysis (RCA). We will cover steps you can take when using this tool to help solve problems and resolve issues. We should note that Root Cause Analysis is a way of finding a fundamental cause for a problem, […]

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Six Sigma Tools

Dummies Guide to Top Six Sigma Tools

Let’s have a view now of top Six Sigma Tools and remind ourselves that Six Sigma refers to a method for reducing and eliminating defects. The method is data-driven and disciplined and can apply to manufacture and other industries. Let’s look at Six Sigma tools that can help you implement Six Sigma projects. These Six […]

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Impact of Lean Principles On Your Business

Impact of Lean Principles On Your Business

Let’s look at the importance of Lean principles, and how Lean can impact your business. Before we begin let’s review a definition of Lean. Lean or Lean Manufacturing is a method of systematically eliminating waste in an operation, typically a production or manufacturing system. The waste can be through overburden or unevenness in work loads. […]

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Getting Your Business Competitive Edge With Kaizen

Getting Your Business Competitive Edge With Kaizen

Let’s see how Japan became more competitive and what you can do in a similar way. After World War II, American experts helped to rebuild Japanese industry. The first program about Kaizen appeared in the 1950s when the concept began to emerge as a major force in industry. Edwards Deming played a key role as […]

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Know About Kaizen Philosophy

Everything You Wanted to Know About Kaizen Philosophy

The philosophy of Kaizen has many facets, and the basic idea behind the philosophy involves improvement and change. This improvement ties into the success and competitiveness of an organization. Let’s see how? What’s in a Word Kaizen is a Japanese word that means change for the better. When applied to an organization this change means […]

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Root Cause Analysis: Most Important 5 Whys

Root Cause Analysis: Most Important 5 Whys

Asking “why” constantly is not child’s play. In fact, it is a favorite technique used in conducting Root Cause Analysis (RCA). This tool is used in identifying the root cause of the problem. What makes it great is that it does not require one to do hypothesis testing, data segmentation, or even use advanced statistical […]

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