

Six Sigma, Lean Six Sigma, Consulting, Practitioner, Professional, Master Black Belt, SSMBB

10 Things Every Master Black Belt Should Know

As the end goal for most Six Sigma professionals, Master Black Belt is an aspiration within itself. With years of experience, hours of training, and multiple training experiences, individuals will become Six Sigma Certified Master Black Belts. However, what classifies a Master Black Belt apart from the lower Black Belts can greatly depend on who […]

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Six Sigma, Lean Six Sigma, Consulting, Practitioner, Professional, Yellow Belt, SSYB

10 Things Every Yellow Belt Should Know

It’s without a doubt that one of the most invaluable courses you can take is Six Sigma certification. For many, this business process improvement methodology opens new doors within their careers and expands their understanding of the industry. Likewise, Six Sigma certification offers opportunities to manage unique projects and perform dynamic data analysis. However, not […]

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10 Things Every Black Belt Should Know

Unlike the lower Yellow and Green Belts, Black Belts represent the first level of full-time Six Sigma project management. These certified professionals achieve set goals, lead team members, and perform cross-functional management. Additionally, Six Sigma Black Belts report directly to executive and senior level management. More importantly, a Black Belt will also report to a […]

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Six Sigma Green Belt

10 Things Every Green Belt Should Know

For many professionals, achieving Lean Six Sigma Green Belt certification is the first monumental step forward in their careers. Although they work part-time on projects, their input and leadership account for up to 50% of the total project management for any given process. Likewise, Green Belts work directly under Black Belts and Master Black Belts. […]

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Six Sigma, Lean Six Sigma, Consulting, Practitioner, Professional, Project, Projects

The World’s 5 Biggest Projects, and How They Could Benefit from Six Sigma

Six Sigma began as a way to improve business processes at two large global enterprises. Both General Electric and Motorola founds ways of developing the methodology and using it to improve their corporate structures. To much success, both companies, and hundreds more, now use Six Sigma for every project, process, and task. Although Six Sigma […]

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In today's article, we will discuss Silo Mentality, what it is, and how it can easily hinder your Six Sigma project team

How to Avoid Silo Mentality When Managing Cross-Functional Six Sigma Project Teams

From early on in your education, you have experience working in groups. Whether on presentations, final exam projects, or science labs, group work was mandatory. And in most cases, rightfully so. Working as a group to achieve one collective goal is a great way to combine resources, knowledge, and experiences. However, more often than not, […]

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linear regression

Six Sigma Toolkit: What is Linear Regression

The equation y=a+xb may remind you of elementary grade school, high school algebra, or college calculus. However, one thing is certain, everyone recognizes this equation. Simply put, it calculates the equation of a line of a graph. Basic information, such as the slope of the line and the y-axis intercept help calcualte the final equation. […]

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Improve Your Project Management Through Beta Distribution

Employers seek certified Six Sigma professionals for a multitude of reasons. However, the main requirement is effective project management. Depending on your certification level, different project management roles may be available at your company. Six Sigma Green Belts and below typically assist project managers; whereas Six Sigma Black Belts and above will lead the projects […]

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Walk the Walk: How to Relate Your Experience to Six Sigma

We gain experience every day by doing even the simplest things. Our experience defines us and enables us to understand the world around us. In Six Sigma, your experience is important because it often leads to the largest successes in project management, process improvement, and problem-solving. Ask yourself: Can you walk the walk? Is your experience […]

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Manufacturing or Service? Six Sigma Training Tips for Your Industry

What’s your industry? Whether you’re manufacturing or service, Six Sigma is highly relevant to both. In the manufacturing industry, for example, a buildup of waste and none-value-adding processes can hold a business back from success. In the service industry, too, inefficient methods and costly processes can be just as harmful. But how do you get from […]

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Gage R+R

Gage R+R for Dummies

Did you know that all data is prone to arbitrary variation? Did you also know that individual differences and uncertain measurements are the two main causes for variation? Gage R+R helps uncover the extent of variation in measurement systems and helps identify the primary source of the problem. It can also help you avoid costly […]

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Six sigma training

Why Do Six Sigma Training Prices Vary So Much?

If you have ever searched for Six Sigma training courses, you have probably noticed that they can vary greatly in prices. From $100 to upwards of thousands, courses can vary, depending on who they are taught by, where they are offered, and their duration. However, is there more to the price tag of your typical […]

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six sigma project

Why is a Project Important for Six Sigma Certification?

It’s important to understand how project experience factors into your chances of successful accreditation, and your later Six Sigma career. Don’t forget, Six Sigma projects are essential features of a Six Sigma career. More importantly, it’s best that you become familiar with them. This article will ask and answer the question: Why exactly are projects […]

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Six sigma certification

What is Professional Certification?

Six Sigma are words on everybody’s lips in the business sector. It can eliminate waste, seek out defects that halt progress, improve process efficiency, and turn a company around. But what training does it entail? This is an important question to consider when pursuing Six Sigma training. Also are: What is professional certification in Six […]

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Six Sigma Plus - Customer-centric Approach

Six Sigma Plus – Customer-centric Approach!

Six Sigma plus is a customer-centered approach that results in exemplary performance by business centers, all over the world. With strategy, people and processes as its basis this approach helps in streamlining and organizing various business processes to achieve optimum profitability and customer satisfaction. Six Sigma plus is vital for any organization’s continuous improvement and […]

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Image: Ishikawa, aka Fishbone Diagram

What is Ishikawa (Fishbone Diagram)?

A Math teacher once asked his pupils, “What do you think is Ishikawa?” “It is a place in Japan,” was the prompt answer of a ninth-grader. “That is interesting and quite true, but in the context of this Math class, let me help you understand that the Ishikawa I am mentioning here are diagrams that […]

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Lean Six Sigma Consultant for Help

How Does Your Consultant Stack Up?

Even large companies need help. When a company is in dire of change, it seeks help when internal resources are not considered sufficient. They explore the possibility of engaging consultants who can recommend ways to bring about desired changes. The decision to seek outside help is explained by current thinking that a consultant can take […]

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Lean Six Sigma Methodologies Machine Learning

Machine Learning and Six Sigma: Insights and Improvements

The human brain is a powerful thing. Often likened to a computer, it processes 400 billion bits of information per second and is always learning. The human capacity for learning is unlike any other species, but it is not a characteristic applicable only to people. Science fiction stories have explored the concept of artificial intelligence […]

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Difference between LSS and Six Sigma

Difference between: Six Sigma and Lean Six Sigma

Lean Six Sigma vs Six Sigma Lean and the Six Sigma business strategies have proven in the past two decades that it is possible to achieve significant improvements in terms quality, cost efficiency and time by focusing and upgrading performance of various in-house processes. Whereas Six Sigma is focused on reducing process fluctuations and improving […]

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Change Management Strategy – Ensuring that Lean Six Sigma Works

Change Management Strategy – Ensuring that Lean Six Sigma Works

Reports of impressive resource savings and improved quality output achieved by organisations employing Lean Six Sigma change methodology have been nothing short of breath taking. However, not all Lean Six Sigma initiatives have resulted in such pronounced gains. So what are the differences between star performers and organizations that yield less than spectacular results when […]

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