
Lean Fundamentals Webinar

Lean Fundamentals Webinar [ ]

Lean Fundamentals Webinar Features

  • Courses are led by Lean Masters with extensive training, project knowledge, and real-world experience
  • $1,300 Special Pricing for the Lean Fundamentals Webinar includes Lean Agent Certification
  • Coaching and project support provided by a Lean Master
  • Examples discussed in class reach across all industry sectors
  • Clear understanding of how Lean and Six Sigma complement each other
  • Color printed and bound course material with free shipping in the continental United States with additional fees applying to shipments outside of the United States

The SixSigma.us Lean Fundamentals Webinar will be a 3-day course taking place Tuesday to Thursday. Each day will be six hours long including breaks.

Those who complete this course are eligible for our Lean Agent Certification with a suitable project that illustrates concept application to improving one of your organization’s processes.

Sign up Now
Duration Dates Location Cost Register
3 Days(Tue-Thu) Sep-17-2024 Virtual Instructor-led Training
$1300 Register
3 Days(Tue-Thu) Oct-15-2024 Virtual Instructor-led Training
$1300 Register
3 Days(Tue-Thu) Dec-10-2024 Virtual Instructor-led Training
$1300 Register
3 Days(Tue-Thu) Jan-07-2025 Virtual Instructor-led Training
$1300 Register

Class Agenda

3-Day Lean Fundamentals Agenda

  • Lean Concepts and Lean Six Sigma
  • Principles of Lean and A3 Thinking
  • Project Planning and Approach
  • Foundation of Lean: Waste
  • Foundation of Lean: 5S
  • Define Value
  • Map the Value Stream
  • Process Measures and Data Display
  • Root Cause Analysis
  • Create Flow
  • Establish Pull
  • Mistake Proofing
  • Pursue Perfection
  • Ideal and Future State Maps
  • Lean Six Sigma
  • Wrap-Up